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400 m² üstü Ahşap Evler

    Özellikle sıcak iklimi olan ülkeler için ahşap villa. Katar, Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri, Bahreyn, Kuweit, Suudi Arabistan ve diğer güneşin tüm yıl boyunca parladığı ülkelerdeözel ev ve villa yapımı için orijinal bir projedir. Sıcak iklimde ahşap ...
      It is the project of house for people who like to have a lot of space in the country house. The attractive facade of the house hints the luxury of the interior. Its spacious balconies and porchers produce the impression of airiness and lightness. ...
        It is a spacious house for any family and its guests. Plenty of windows and large porchers make it light and airy. Functional interior division allows a family gathering in a sitting room or hiding in private premises. The description: The number of ...

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        © 2024 ArchiLine Wooden Houses
        114-49, Necrasov str., Minsk, Republic of Belarus, 220049

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