Mikhail Mikhailovich Dubikovsky. The person I'm looking for. Lost in Germany in 1945. RavensbrückMikhail Mikhailovich Dubikovsky. The person I'm looking for. Lost in Germany in 1945. Ravensbrück.
4. Pan Mikhail Dubikovsky father of MMD. He left for Poland before the revolution, his father took him, he gave Anastasia Romanovna Zhigunova an estate and land (as I understand it, he did not marry her), she sold it, and the money "ate, squandered and squandered". Son Misha grew up in an orphanage where he learned German. We lived in Kalinovka, Mstislavsky District. 5. Children of MMD and AND: Anna (10/11/1937 this text of her memoirs), Taisa, Valentin. 6. Brother of ARZh - Zhigunov Vladimir Romanovich, hero of the Soviet Union, pilot. Mikhail was the commander of a tank brigade in Finnish, a bullet pierced his cheeks when he shouted hurray, he knew German in an orphanage. We met the Second World War in Kalinovka, then we lived in Mstislavl. They didn’t take the reservation in the spacecraft, the mechanic was a tractor driver. He entered the service of the Germans as a driver ??, did not participate in police affairs, ardent policemen were Samusev and Dubikovsky Andrei (his namesake). Misha warned about raids, hid 12 girls under his stove. He drove an officer. Kuryshev was the chief of police in Mstislavl. Kuryshev's son was in KA. Mishka worked in a car. When the Germans began to retreat, we went to Borisov, then to Vileyka, through the Oder, Magdenburg, the Germans were in cars and Mishka came to the truck when it was necessary to transfer the family. During the retreat of the Germans (1942 ??), we went on carts for the Germans, there was Borisov, then for a year they lived in Vileyka, with the Poles by the name of Terpitsky (in the photo Ledya, Yadya, Stefan, Anna to the right of the scarecrow). It was the locals who lived in their house. Masherov's partisans gathered at their place. Masherov? invited Mikhail to the detachment, he refused. Mikhail warned the partisans that tomorrow they would burn the forest - leave, the forest was really on fire. The man Platon, a fisherman from Vileyka, loved Kulina, asked to stay, she refused. Misha came to the maentak to pick them up, his mother Nastya was in the hospital, he says - yes, well, but on the way they meet her and take her with them. Are they going to Orlyau? They lived at Mrs. Klemchinskaya's. Lived near Berlin Islet? Orlyau city, Magdenbur, Ondenburg (Anna goes over the words in her memory). We got there from Vileyka, where the Germans gave us a house, (end of 1944-beginning of 1945) they didn't work, they just lived there. Mishka left them and took the Germans, and his family was unexpectedly arrested at night and sent to the death camp. Magdeburg? 80 km from Berlin, seized in this house. A river flowed near this camp, a stone was thrown at it and it lay on the water from fat. Everyone was wearing striped clothes, Jews were burned. At first they were in this camp (the name is not known) where people were fired and it was their turn (there were a couple of days left). They washed their heads with a caustic substance. Baba the overseer asked: Where is your husband? Why won't he take you? Then she offered to Akulina for gold (in Borisov they sold a cow for 8 gold coins), to transfer them to a less cruel camp. She repainted it and photographed it (the woman in the photo), made the documents and transferred it to Rovensbrück, in the women's camp, they poisoned them with dogs, so that they wouldn’t eat the gruel, they went to the kopets (buried bulb) and around the kopts people were shot, fed (rutabaga, turnips) behind the fence, potatoes crawled under machine guns. It was necessary to have time to collect the bulbs and return so that they would not start the current. Akulina just didn’t have time, she threw a bulb, and the German saw it and said: fluff, fluff there, and sent to wash the toilets. Mishka arrived at the camp, the woman said that they were almost burned, he flared up and rushed at the Germans (hence the version that he was killed), especially since such a case had already happened. Akulina saved a little. Misha said: I'm going to the Swiss border, I'll take the officers and come back for you. Nobody saw him again. Meanwhile, the German guard says: Go to work so that the food is normal, Akulina carried boxes on a cart, but she didn’t know what was in them, and then she went into the warehouse, and there they make cartridges, behind 3 doors. Lived: Barrack, beds in 2 tiers. They didn't live there for long, they didn't even eat a sack of potatoes, they took everyone on the Death March, and Anka went to the bunker for a wheelbarrow and couldn't pull it off, they managed to get out. Upstairs is a barracks, downstairs is a factory with cartridges, The professor-prisoner was fed and could no longer walk and eat. Leave, he says they will bomb, the Germans were gone. At first, the planes launched foil so that the anti-aircraft guns would not hear and how horror began to bomb. Shurka, a 14-year-old guy, traveled from Belarus with them, repaired cars, disappeared after the bombing, walked with them from Belarus, lived in a neighboring barrack. Moti's sister's son. Akulina had many sisters and brothers. We drove to the Oder, there was a pontoon bridge, prayed and drove off. As they moved it was bombed. Furniture, garbage, people floated on the river. The Americans offered to leave. There were American cars standing not far from the camp, whoever wants to go to America, we will take, and my mother says: let's go to run away and then Captain Nikolaev freed us. Akulina joined Captain Nikolaev. Anna recalls: Nikolaev with his woman and Anya went for berries, Anya saw a leg sticking out of the hay and told the Russians they had caught German officers under the double ceiling. Captain Nikolaev (he gave a reservation to Kaliningrad, the commandant will give an apartment, a job), he warned not to go to Belarus there is devastation. Akulina said: No, Mishka won't find me there. The Russians gave horses and paper. The horses were stolen by the Poles. They gave others. We arrived in Sutoki, Mstislavsky district, lived there until 1991. There is a chance that MMD was not killed. Granny remembered the camp song that Google found Ravenbrück. We live near Berlin What was in Google: (We live near Berlin, an island surrounded by water ...... There is a small plain, and a concentration camp with an electrical wall. We live near Berlin Anna does not remember anything about the Germans whom Misha drove. Cars and all. Kolya served with Mikhail along with German officers.
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