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Wooden house assembly in Amsterdam suburb, Netherlands

Wooden house assembly in Amsterdam suburb, Netherlands  The first house our team had assembled in the Netherlands, 70 km from Amsterdam. All work beginning from the unloading of transport and installation of basic wall construction of wooden house an area of ​​61.7 m2 occupied four days, underlining the professionalism of our workers.

Assembly team encounters a car in Holland

On the way to the object

Machinery uploading

End of discharge

Preliminary discussion of a work plan

Installation of first raw of logs

The assembly process

The assembly process

Installation of wall construction

Installation of wall construction

Assembling of walls is comleted

Front view

The fourth day of construction works

Roof system installation

The lath installation

The process of painting the house. Ten days are gone since commencement of installation

House is finished

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          © 2024 ArchiLine Wooden Houses
          114-49, Necrasov str., Minsk, Republic of Belarus, 220049

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