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Double wall

Double wall  The double wall of dry shaped timber or laminated veneer lumber with a heater provides comfortable heat-insulating characteristics, at a temperature of -40 ° C to +40 ° C. Double wooden wall consists of two sets of parallel bars section of 70h140mm to 100h150mm between which the heater is placed 100 mm, a wall has a coefficient of heat transfer resistance R = 4.

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Mira más:

Puedes ver una reseña en video de la casa de madera "Casa Blanca" de madera laminada encolada Archiline Houses:

Puede ver una revisión en video de la casa de madera "Mirage":

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                    © 2025 ArchiLine Wooden Houses
                    114-49, Necrasov str., Minsk, Republic of Belarus, 220049

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